
Archaeological excavations of the "East Gate of Philippopolis" have been resumed

Archaeological excavations at the "East Gate of Philippopolis" site have been resumed. The activities are financed by the municipality of Plovdiv, and the scientific supervisors are the famous archaeologists Maya Martinova-Kyutova and Bilyana Grueva-Zdravcheva.

The archaeological survey is carried out in compliance with the instructions of the Expert Commission from the Ministry of Culture, which accepted the results of the excavations in 2021. Due to the high scientific value of the discovered archaeological structures, it was decided to continue their research and documentation in 2022.

Excavations are carried out in two sectors. In the first one, in front of the Late Antique Gate, work is being done to uncover earlier cultural layers associated with a massive sandstone building built in opus quadratum. "Opus square" is an ancient Roman building technique in which square blocks of stone of equal height are laid in parallel courses, usually without the use of mortar. In the second sector, work is being done around the Markavreli fortress wall, where in 2021 a building with numerous clay terracotta and ceramics was discovered.

Students from PU "Paisiy Hilendarski" who are conducting their archaeological practice participate in helping the archaeologists in the research. They have trained in the specialties "Archaeology", "History" and "Protection of the cultural heritage", led by the chief assistant. Bozhidar Draganov and chief assistant Nadezhda Kirova.

The archaeological monument of culture - complex "East Gate of Filipopol" is part of the large project "Along the fortress walls of Filipopol", aimed at the development of two competitive tourist attractions in the historical reserve "Old Plovdiv".

Through the conservation, restoration, and exposure of the ancient complex "East Gate of "Filipopol" and the Archaeological Complex "Nebet Tepe" and their overall socialization, the transformation of these archaeological immovable cultural values ​​with the category of "national importance" into preferred tourist attractions will be supported. offering suitable conditions for year-round visiting. Another archaeological jewel of Plovdiv is now part of the tourist routes.