
The soulmate – A Myth or Reality

The soulmate – a myth or reality

Let me start with a pun – a soul without a mate is like a roll without the sausage!

In the universe, there is no wasted energy. Everything moves and changes. Bad things happen to balance out the good, and vice versa. There is a beginning for every end, there is sunrise for every sunset, there is a tide for every low tide, there is white for black, there are french fries for beer, and so on. Everything is a balance of invisible, imaginary, giant scales. In fact, come to think of it, there is only one injustice in our universe – for five working days, there are only two days off …

I agree with the thesis that when you are in a nostalgic or melancholic mood, no matter how unbelievable it may seem, it only takes a moment to change your focus from how bad things are and how shit you feel, to suddenly notice that something somewhere is searching for something, and a feeling settles deep inside you. This movement, this change, is a step closer to a bigger one. A step towards a metamorphosis of sorts. The facilitator for this metamorphosis, the drive of this energy is the soul. All it takes is a single thought.

We established that there is no wasted energy in the universe. It is in constant motion and transition from one state to another. And in order for the soul to give impetus to our body and mind, to spread the wings of our consciousness and to overcome the obstacles that we alone impose on ourselves, it definitely needs what? No, not sausage roll, the other food – a close encounter with a relatable soul. Enter, mate!

And here comes that tiny particle of the celestial puzzle, which triggers the big cosmic bang, utterly distressing and at the same time causing some sort of rebirth – matter for our antimatter. The soulmate. Soul for our speech. The spark for our fire. The sausage for our roll.

Around this time we ask ourselves – is this possible? Is there a person or other being on this planet who can satisfy the milliards of fads and demands of our soul? “I want him to be handsome, rich, mysterious, smart, funny, tall, athletic, social, coder” (Loog luck! Especially with the last two …), “I don’t like sarmi“, “My favorite color is green”, “I don’t eat garlic ”,“ I don’t like cats ”,“ I sleep with my socks on”, “My favorite TV series is Sex and the city”,“I want to live in an apartment on the third floor, southern view, new construction, 120 square meters, in central Plovdiv, not on a big boulevard, away from the street, nearby a nursery school, a bar, a butcher’s shop, a pastry shop and a veterinary clinic for my chinchilla! ” I don’t know about you, but I’m lost at “I don’t like sarmi“!

Is this what the soul desires, really? Or are they the whims of a frustrated, tired of getting disappointed, stressed by burnout, failed relationships, toxic friendships and socially oppressed mind? If we look deep inside ourselves, are these really the things we crave? OK, with 120 square meters, in central Plovdiv, you will definitely have plenty of space for your egos, and most likely two bedrooms, which is a big bonus, because who wants to go to bed with a man that sleeps with his socks on?! Well, isn’t the meaning and purpose of life reduced to a simple need – to share happiness?

Sharing. To me, this is the greatest and primary need of every soul. To unfold entirely, to reveal their darkest and most secret corners to another like-minded, true and burning soul. A soul that is equally obsessed and caught in the whirlpool of our turbulent present, so that both of them can be together in a perfect future. To resurface, reach out and feel the intangible, sublime and all fulfilling joy of sharing. This is what we want! Not just to share our sausage roll with some lass. A myth? That is reality.