
Why Bulgaria Asked Europe for Help With the Covid Crisis?

Why Bulgaria Asked Europe for Help With the Covid Crisis?

"At the moment, the hospitals can handle the pressure. The truth is that the system is overloaded, and we have been putting more pressure on it for months. The decision of the health authorities is good because we do not know what will happen in the newr future. "This was stated in the studio of "Hello, Bulgaria" by Svilena Dimitrova from the Bulgarian Hospital Association.

"The news that the respirators that we currently have are not enough came out 2 weeks ago. Even then, the authorities announced that they could ask for help, "Dimitrova added.

According to her, the system for opening additional Covid beds in the country works well during the fourth wave of infection in Bulgaria.

Dimitrova explained that Romania has also triggered this measure.

"There are Romanian patients who are transported for treatment to other countries. I hope that our country does not need such measures, "she added.

Yesterday the European Commission announced that a request for assistance had arrived on Tuesday, with which Bulgaria activated the so-called Civil Protection Mechanism - a tool for mutual assistance in natural disasters, industrial accidents and other emergencies.