
20th anniversary of the largest literary festival in Bulgaria - "Plovdiv reads"

Aksinia Mihailova is this year`s winner of the Orpheus Wreath, Milena Valnarova of the Golden Brush at the 20th Plovdiv Read Festival

This year the largest literary festival in our country - "Plovdiv reads" celebrates its 20th anniversary. It was officially opened last night on the ancient stage of the Ancient Theater. Traditionally, this happens with the presentation of two prestigious awards - Orpheus Wreath "for high achievements in contemporary poetry and" Golden Brush "for best book design, greetings from the organizers, and a gifted concert for Plovdiv residents and guests of the city with free entry.

The host of the opening event was the journalist and philologist Daniel Nenchev, a well-known presenter, screenwriter, editor, and author for media such as Bulgaria ON AIR, BNT, bTV, BNR, Darik Radio, Capital, Dnevnik, and others. The first greeting to the audience was given by Bozhana Apostolova - longtime organizer and inspirer of "Plovdiv reads", owner and manager of the publishing house "Janet 45".

"If you are here, then everything is fine. Every year I get excited and hope that the Ancient Theater will be full because the artists deserve it. Thank you for being here, in my heart. When we started making "Plovdiv reads", the mission was one - the idea that a spiritless society is not a society and that a spiritless Plovdiv cannot exist, "said Bozhana Apostolova, who surprisingly invited one of the main" culprits "to the festival. many years, full of so many events - Geri Georgieva from "Janet 45". "Little Gerry", as everyone calls her, received a bouquet from Bojana and another volunteer who helped the event.

This year the Orpheus Wreath Award for outstanding achievements in contemporary poetry was presented to the poet Aksinia Mihailova. She received it from Mayor Zdravko Dimitrov.


"For the 20th time we are meeting at Plovdiv Read, and nowadays this is especially important - especially for young people who are staring at phones, computers, tablets. Of course, humanity is moving forward, but let's not forget the beginning. The first celebration of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius took place here in Plovdiv, and the first publishing house in Bulgaria of Hristo was established here. G. Danov. Today we are proud to be the capital of the book, in addition to the European Capital of Culture and the Best European Destination 2022. I wish this fire never goes out. The Municipality of Plovdiv has always stood behind this festival and will continue to do so. You can always count on us, "said Mayor Zdravko Dimitrov.

"You are blessed to live in such a city. I am excited. Here with me at the Ancient Theater are all the remarkable poets - bearers of "Orpheus Wreath". They are the stones in the stands, the columns. They are the amphitheater of Bulgarian poetry. I'm excited to be a little block in this amphitheater. The wreath usually adorned the heads of men, but "Orpheus' Wreath" makes this miracle to be on a woman's head as well. This award is not for me, it is for my books ", said Aksinia Mihailova.

The Golden Brush Award for Best Book Design was presented by Deputy Minister of Culture Yuri Valkovski. Milena Valnarova became its winner.

The final official ceremony was set by the publisher Manol Peykov. "Thousands of years ago here in Plovdiv, people lived on these rocks, long before Romulus and Remus laid the stones of ancient Rome. And so they lived in harmony without interruption. Plovdiv is the quintessence of tolerance. We have shown empathy for the Ukrainians for what is happening to them. I hope that we will continue to help ", called Manol Peyk.


After him, the musicians from the band P.I.F. and with their appearance they blew up the audience of the Ancient Theater. Ivan Velkov (guitar), Martin Profirov (drums), Hristo Mikhalkov (bass guitar), Vladimir Mihailov (vocals), Ersin Mustafov (vocals), Poli Gerasimova (multimedia) took part in the concert "The Tale".

Plovdiv Reads lasts until June 19 with a rich program of literary meetings with writers, translators, readings, book premieres, discussions, exhibitions, and concerts. There are 44 participants in the Plovdiv Book Alley, which is located on Central Square, organized by the Bulgarian Book Association. The Plovdiv Read Literary Festival is supported by the Municipality of Plovdiv and is part of the City's Cultural Calendar for 2022.


The whole program of "Plovdiv reads" can be found on the official website of the festival: https://plovdivchete.com/programata/